Learn here step-by-step how to apply the transitions from the pack Fractured Glitch transitions between your two footage in Adobe After Effects using blending modes and track mattes.
Step 1: Set Up Your Footage
Create a new composition with your two clips.
- Place Footage A (the first clip) on the top layer.
- Place Footage B (the second clip) on the bottom layer.

Step 2: Apply Fractured Glitch Transition A
1. Drag and drop the Fractured Glitch Transition A from your asset pack onto the timeline.
You can find the transition with the name similar to: 03_A_FG_TRANSITIONS
2. Place Transition A above Footage A in your timeline.
3. Split Footage A at the point where you want the transition to begin.
Press Ctrl+Shift+D or Command+Shift+D
4. Select the Footage A2 (after the split), and set the Blending Mode to Add
If you don't see the blending modes, toggle the switches/modes icon at the bottom of the timeline.
Step 3: Apply Fractured Glitch Transition B
1. Place Fractured Glitch Transition B below the second part of Footage A (underneath on the timeline).
2. In the Track Matte drop-down menu for the Footage A2, select Alpha Matte for Transition B.
This will make Footage B reveal itself based on Transition B's alpha.
Step 4: Duplicate Transition B
Duplicate Transition B and place it above Footage B.
Press Ctrl+D or Command+D
And that’s it! You’ve successfully applied a Fractured Glitch transition in After Effects. Play around with different transitions in the pack to get the desired broken glass effect for your edit.
For more ways to use the Fractured Glitch pack, check out our guides for Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve.